
"I watched as Tom pulled my fish to the surface and looked down at the dark figure in the blue water. The fish was about six feet long and Tom said it would weigh over eighty pounds. Eddie tagged the fish when Tom told him to, right where he was told to put the plastic tag."Do I have time to take a couple of pictures?" Eddie asked Tom."Sure, but hurry," Tom said. "We want to get this fish revived and set free as soon as we can."Eddie darted into the salon and returned with his camera. He took a couple of the fish and then ran up to the bridge so he could get a few with me holding the rod. After he had taken the pictures, he cut the line and Tom pulled the fish along side the boat. He held the big fish by its long sword and worked it into the moving water. As soon the fish was revived, Tom released it and it swam away.I was still vibrating when Tom leaned against the side of the boat and nodded."That was as good a job as I've ever seen from two new fishermen. You both did everything. "You wont tell me what that's all about, will you?" McCock asked Trudie."Poetic justice, Aggy, poetic justice." Trudie smiled.They walked inside to the sitting room to partake of the ritual of 'Afternoon Tea'. 'Mina Denholt, already there, was the hostess. Over the next fifteen to twenty minutes, the three Nancarrow women arrived, followed by Diana Halliday and Shelly Indira. They were quietly casually chatting to be interrupted by the entrance of a PGS officer and trooper causing the assembly to stand to greet the Sovereign. After a long pause, she appeared in the door dismissing Barati with a nod of her head.The Queen advanced several steps into the room and an attendant ushered Gus and Sabajhi past her to stand off to the side. The boys rather clumsily bowed and the attendant, with a shy smile, dropped a curtsey. The boys looked confused. The Queen nodded at her PGS officer, who placed himself at her left hand while the trooper closed the door and stood with his back to it."LtCdr.
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